香港參與國際評估計劃 ─ 吉祥物設計比賽 (Mascot Design Competition for Hong Kong’s Participation in International Assessments)

為了讓學生更認識國際評估的意義及價值,教育局及香港大學 PISA 2025 研究團隊聯合籌辦「香港參與國際評估計劃 ─ 吉祥物設計比賽」,誠邀全港中學生踴躍參與。比賽結果已於 2025年2月 公佈,得獎學生已獲邀出席 2025年2月27日的頒獎典禮,獎品豐富,且饒有意義。得獎作品並將以不同形式展現於日後各項推廣國際評估的宣傳物品中。


冠軍 : 翁晴 (聖保祿學校)
亞軍: 關軒嵐 (保良局朱敬文中學)
亞軍: 林詩晴 (聖羅撒書院)
季軍: 陳培燊 (中華基督教會蒙民偉書院)

陳婧瑤 (藝術與科技教育中心)
黃暄喬 (拔萃女書院)
洪文謙 (九龍工業學校)
余芷晴 (樂善堂王仲銘中學)
陳頌欣 (聖嘉勒女書院)
周浩宏 (蘇浙公學)
張菀桐 (聖伯多祿中學)
楊紫琦 (東涌天主教學校)
林嘉欣 (香港道教聯合會圓玄學院第三中學)
劉星彤 (樂善堂顧超文中學)
施淨曉 (路德會呂明才中學)
張彥渘 (港九街坊婦女會孫方中書院)
林芷晞 (保良局馬錦明中學)
李臻希 (佛教茂峰法師紀念中學)
梁睿琳 (妙法寺劉金龍中學)



To enhance students’ understanding of the significance and values of participating in international assessments, the Education Bureau (EDB) and the PISA 2025 Project Team of the University of Hong Kong (HKU) jointly organised a mascot design competition on the theme of Hong Kong’s participation in international assessments in early 2025. Secondary school students of Hong Kong were invited to participate in the Competition. Awardees attended a ceremony on 27 February 2025 and received fabulous prizes. The winning design will be featured in various publicity materials for the promotion of international assessments.

Over 800 mascot entries were received. Congratulations to the following awardees:

Champion: Avi Weng (St. Paul’s Convent School)
1st Runner-up: Guan Hin Laam (Po Leung Kuk C.W. Chu College)
1st Runner-up: Lam Sze Ching (St. Rose of Lima’s College)
2nd Runner-up: Chan Pui San (C.C.C. Mong Man Wai College)

Merit Awards:
Chan Ching Yiu (Arts & Technology Education Centre)
Wong Huen Kiu (Diocesan Girls’ School)
Hung Man Him (Kowloon Technical School)
Yu Tsz Ching (Lok Sin Tong Wong Chung Ming Secondary School)
Chen Chung Yen Elmy (St. Clare’s Girls’ School)
Chow Ho Wang (Kiangsu-Chekiang College)
Cheung Yuen Tung (St Peter’s Secondary School)
Yeung Tsz Kei (Tung Chung Catholic School)
Lam Ka Yan (HKTA The Yuen Yuen Institute No. 3 Secondary School)
Lau Sing Tung (Lok Sin Tong Ku Chiu Man Secondary School)
Sze Ching Hiu (Lui Ming Choi Lutheran College)
Cheung Yin Yau (Hong Kong and Kowloon Kaifong Women’s Association Sun Fong Chung College)
Lam Tsz Hei (Po Leung Kuk Ma Kam Ming College)
Li Chun Hei (Buddhist Mau Fung Memorial College)
Leung Yui Lam (Madam Lau Kam Lung Secondary School of MFBM)

Active Participating School Awards:
Kowloon True Light School
Law Ting Pong Secondary School
Caritas Yuen Long Chan Chun Ha Secondary School


Posted in Feb 2025
