The PISA 2025 Hong Kong Project Team held a webinar introducing the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2025 on 30 April 2024. Over 250 participants attended this event online and in-person. Members of the Project Team introduced the Science, Mathematics and Reading domains with reference to the interactive and stimulating means of assessment; as well as the ‘Learning in the Digital World’ (LDW) domain newly featured in PISA 2025 which will test student’s abilities to explore systems, represent ideas, and solve problems with digital tools.

Fruitful discussions have been made on the transformation of education and learning in this era of technology, that the possession of knowledge may no longer remain a strong criterion for assessment, but the practical ability to access and utilise information in an innovative way.

Towards the end of the Webinar, our project team members appealed to secondary school educators in Hong Kong to join PISA 2025 to learn about student’s adaptability to the evolving society, and strive towards the advancement of the education sector.

承蒙校長、老師、業界人士、學生及公眾的支持,由香港大學教育學院舉辦的學生能力國際評估計劃(PISA)網路研討會已圓滿結束,並幸得超過二百五十名參加者於線上及到場參與。講者分別介紹了PISA 2025 中科學、閱讀和數學等數個核範圍,並向聽眾展示了評估中各類型的考題,見其不僅趣味盎然、更能增添與學生互動的特色。講者亦指出,PISA 2025 將新添「在數碼世界中學習」 (LDW)的考核範圍,測試考生運用數碼工具輔助學習的能力,如理解繁複的概念、表達自身想法和解決生活難題等。


最後,講者衷心地呼籲香港的中學教育工作者為其所在的學校參與PISA 2025,好讓業界了解本地教育制度在現今社會下,是否足以使學生在不斷更新的社會中靈活應變,並共同為教育界的進步而努力。
