Why joining PISA 2025?
By participating in PISA 2025, schools will gain significant recognition as teachers, students and their parents will take part in this international study along with educational institutions from over 90 countries/economies. Various benefits to students, teachers and school administrators are anticipated. To name a few:
- Participating students will work on computer-based tasks to unpack information and solve complex problems demanding their critical reasoning and sound justification.
- Teachers will receive aggregated feedback on their students' performance, which can help inform their pedagogical practices. They can learn some effective teaching practices and methodologies used in other countries/economies.
- School administrators can understand more about the performance of their students, students in Hong Kong and worldwide in general. Educational strategies to enhance learning and teaching will be formulated based on the PISA 2025 data.
The Project Team will compile an individual school report for each participating school after the release of results of PISA 2025. The report will be delivered directly to the respective schools, including:
- Assessment results of three domains (scores of reading, mathematics and science) of the school;
- An analysis of assessment results and questionnaires; and
- A summary of the relative strengths and weaknesses of the variables which may affect the assessment results.