Participant Recruitment


PISA 2025 is carried out in two phases: The Field Trial in 2024 and the Main Study in 2025. The Field Trial is a significant part of PISA as the operational procedures for student sampling and conducting assessments within schools will be tested to ensure a smooth delivery of the Main Study.

PISA assessment periodNumber of participating schools Birthdate definition of eligible 15-year-oldsWays of participationLanguage of assessment and questionnaires for studentsLanguage of questionnaire for school administrators and Science teachers
Field Trial
3 June – 14 July 2024Around 231 March 2008 – 28 February 2009Convenience sampling and by invitationChineseChinese
Main Study19 May – 13 July 2025Around 2401 March 2009 – 28 February 2010Schools will be drawn by a sampling software developed by PISA. The sampled schools will then be invited by the Project Team to participateChinese/EnglishChinese/English


Target Participants

15-year-old Students

[For Field Trial in 2024]
Eligible students will be sampled from a list of students who were born between 1 March 2008 and 28 February 2009 (inclusive) in a participating school.

[For Main Study in 2025]
35 eligible students will be sampled from a list of students who were born between 1 March 2009 and 28 February 2010 (inclusive) in a participating school.

Students will be invited to complete a cognitive test (2 hours) and two questionnaires online at school. The student questionnaire and a questionnaire on students’ Information and Communications Technology (ICT) experience will take 35 minutes and 15 minutes respectively.

Parents/Guardians of
Participating Students

Parents of student participants will be invited to complete a paper-based questionnaire which takes around 30 minutes. The information on parents’ background, parental support for learning in the home, child’s career interests, child’s experience in science learning and digital learning practices etc will be collected. The information parents provided will be immensely valuable and helpful in the analysis and understanding of the data collected from the student population.


School administrator will be invited to fill in an online questionnaire which takes around 45 minutes. The questionnaire will ask school administrators information, including school background information, school management, teaching staff, assessment and evaluation, and school climate. This information will help illustrate the similarities and differences between different schools in order to better establish the context for students’ test results. The results of the questionnaires can help to establish what effect the availability of resources may have on student achievement – both within and between countries/economies.


Science teachers of participating schools will be invited to fill in an online questionnaire which takes 45 minutes. It includes questions on teachers’ background information, initial education and professional development, collaboration with fellow teachers and parents, teacher beliefs and attitudes, and teaching practices. This information will help identify the similarities and differences between groups of teachers in order to better establish the context for students’ test results.
