HKU Project Team
The Project Team of PISA 2025, based in the Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong (HKU), has been commissioned by the Education Bureau of HKSAR to conduct this cycle of PISA. The Faculty of Education of HKU is a leading institution for higher education, research, and professional development in the Asia-Pacific region. Apart from PISA, the Faculty has contributed to other large-scale international assessments, such as The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) and the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS).
The Project Team is led by Professor Frederick K.S. Leung and Professor Wai Ip Lam who have extensive experiences in conducting TIMSS and PIRLS in Hong Kong respectively. Other team members possess expertise on the education of science, mathematics, language and reading, ICT education and research methodologies and educational statistics.
The Project Team is led by Professor Frederick K.S. Leung and Professor Wai Ip Lam who have extensive experiences in conducting TIMSS and PIRLS in Hong Kong respectively. Other team members possess expertise on the education of science, mathematics, language and reading, ICT education and research methodologies and educational statistics.
Project Leader
Co-Project Leader & Project Team Member (Language and Reading)
Project Team Member (Science)
Project Team Member (Science)
Project Team Member (Learning in the Digital World)
Project Team Member (Learning in the Digital World)
Project Team Member (Mathematics)
Project Team Member (Mathematics)
Project Team Member (Language and Reading)
Project Team Member (Research Methodology and Educational Statistics)
Project Manager
IT and Multimedia Manager