
Objectives of PISA 2025 in Hong Kong

  • Assessing the achievements of Hong Kong students in reading, mathematics, science, and Learning in the Digital World, analysing their strengths and weaknesses, and suggesting ways of improvement by making comparisons with other  countries/economies;
  • Illustrating the factors affecting the performance of Hong Kong students in tackling close-to-life problems and making judgements in comparison with the situations of other countries/economies, including but not limited to gender difference, socio-economic status, school effect, parental involvement, student experience/well-being;
  • Conducting longitudinal comparison and examining the trends of the performance of Hong Kong students, making use of the data collected in previous cycles of PISA; 
  • Reporting the results on school questionnaire, science teacher questionnaire, parent questionnaire, student questionnaire, and information and communication technology (ICT) questionnaire for students; 
  • Advising policy-makers and stakeholders on how to build on the strengths to improve the literacy of Hong Kong students and to tackle the negating factors; and
  • Leveraging on the past PISA and PISA 2025 findings to promote data literacy and fostering authentic and genuine assessment for learning in the local school sector, through different professional development activities and information dissemination strategies.