What is International Large-scale Assessment (ILSA)?
International Large-scale Assessment (ILSA) is a method of assessing students’ learning outcomes across countries/economies and education systems. It involves systematic assessments and comparisons of students to evaluate their performance and abilities in various learning domains. International organisations conduct ILSAs to provide comparative data on global education systems and student learning outcomes. The results of international assessments can help policymakers, educational institutions and researchers understand global trends in education development, promote educational reforms and enhance educational quality. Well-known ILSAs include International Computer and Information Literacy Study (ICILS), Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS), and the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). Hong Kong has taken part in these international assessment programmes.
Here are some examples of international organisations which lead the implementation of international assessments:
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD): The OECD is leading the organisation and implementation of PISA.
- PISA assesses the learning outcomes and abilities of 15-year-old students globally in science, mathematics and reading. PISA evaluates students’ interdisciplinary knowledge and skills and how they meet the needs of the 21st century. Participating countries include Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States, etc.
International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA): IEA is an independent international organisation responsible for organising and implementing ILSAs , such as ICILS, TIMSS and PIRLS.
- ICILS measures international differences in Grade 8 students’ computer and informational literacy. It assesses how well students are prepared for study, work, and life in a digital world. Participating countries include Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Luxembourg, Switzerland and Thailand, etc.
- TIMSS assesses the learning outcomes and abilities of students in mathematics and science in Grades 4 and 8 globally. Participating countries include Australia, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Singapore, South Korea and the United States, etc.
- PIRLS assesses the reading literacy and literacy skills of Grade 4 students globally. It evaluates students’ reading comprehension, reading strategies, and interests. Participating countries include Australia, Brazil, Canada, Finland, Hungary, Norway, Spain, Singapore and the United Kingdom etc.
What is Systematic Assessment?
The ILSA is systematic in several aspects:
- Sample Selection: International organisations use specific sample selection methods to test and assess representative student samples from different countries and regions.
- Testing Tools: Assessment tools (test questions) have gone through careful development and validation to ensure the effectiveness and fairness of the assessment.
- Assessment Criteria: International organisations establish clear assessment standards and indicators to assess students’ learning outcomes and abilities in different subject areas.
- Data Analysis: International organisations systematically analyse and compare the collected data to obtain specific results and data for cross-country and cross-cultural comparisons.
- Reporting Results: Assessment agencies summarise assessment results into reports, conduct data analysis, and provide reports to participating countries and regions.
How to ensure consistency in ILSA standard across regions?
- Standardised Testing Tools: Designing standardised testing tools to ensure consistency in test questions and assessment methods used by different countries for cross-country comparisons.
- Standardised Assessment Processes: Establishing a unified assessment process and procedures, including sample selection, test implementation, data collection, and analysis, to ensure the consistency and fairness of the assessment process.
- Training and Certification: Providing training and certification for assessment personnel and invigilators from participating countries to ensure they understand assessment standards and procedures and can conduct assessments under regulations.
- Quality Control and Supervision: Establishing quality control mechanisms and supervisory bodies to monitor and inspect various stages of the assessment process to ensure the accuracy and reliability of assessment results.
- Standardised Data Processing: Utilising standardised data processing methods and statistical analysis techniques to process and analyse collected data, ensuring the comparability and scientific nature of the results.
How can ILSA results help improve education quality?
Providing Recommendations for Education Policy Reform
The results of international assessments provide important reference data for governments, educational institutions and researchers. The assessment results show the average scores and performance of students in science, mathematics and reading and other subject areas in different countries and regions. The results reflect students’ learning outcomes and their abilities in various cognitive and skill areas, such as problem-solving skills and critical thinking. They provide references for education reform and curriculum design. Based on research results, countries can understand the strengths and weaknesses of their existing education systems and promote education reform.
Promoting Cross-country and Cross-cultural Comparisons
By comparing ILSA results across different countries/regions, policy makers and educators can learn from successful experiences and practices of their counterparts to improve education policies, enhance education quality and promote global education development.
Impact of ILSAs on Education Policy – Examples
- Finland has consistently achieved excellent results in PISA assessments. Finland’s successful experiences have inspired other countries/economies to reform teacher training, reduce standardised testing and promote education reform on a global scale.
- Singapore has demonstrated outstanding performance in PISA and other ILSAs. Singapore adjusts education policies based on assessment results, focusing on enhancing teacher quality, and emphasising innovation and critical thinking, leading to significant educational achievements.
- South Korea has achieved good results in PISA assessments. The government optimises education policies based on assessment results, emphasising improving student learning outcomes and skills and driving reforms and developments in the education sector.
- Canada has performed well in ILSAs. The government utilises assessment data to guide education policies, striving to enhance education quality and promote educational equity, resulting in significant educational progress.
All these countries have achieved significant educational accomplishments by participating in ILSAs, learning from the successful experiences of other countries/economies, adjusting and optimising education policies, and making positive contributions to global education development.